what is hypnobirthing?
Yep, that’s a very fair question and the answer isn’t obvious - for something that can have a hugely positive impact birth, the name is total rubbish.
Simply put, hypnobirthing gives you everything you need for positivity in birth. It’s a logical approach to get you and your birth partner prepared and feeling as calm and positive as possible, nothing more complicated than that.
You might think hypnobirthing isn’t for you, that it sounds fluffy and might involve some sort of vagina whispering (it doesn’t!). You wouldn’t be alone in that thinking. But I promise, once you get past the ‘hypno’ bit, you’ll find a common sense approach to birth preparation, for practical people who like things based in science and evidence.
Over time, we’ve been conditioned to think birth is scary, involves a lot of screaming and usually means a panicked dash to hospital. This is NOT real - however the fear we may experience is entirely real and can totally change your birth experience. This is where hypnobirthing comes in.
With hypnobirthing, your experience can be something very different. It can be positive, calm and relaxed. You and your birth partner can feel in control and prepared for anything that might come your way and I’m here to show you how.
I teach practical antenatal tools and techniques from understanding the physiology of what’s happening within your body at every stage of labour, to harnessing the power of your hormones and being confident in making the right decisions for you and your baby. There’s also a whole lot of lovely relaxation techniques to make you feel amazing and I promise that you won’t be hypnotised at any stage! We’ll work together to build confidence in the process, so you and your birth partner feel prepared and can reframe any feelings of fear - meaning everything can be a whole lot less daunting. Sounds pretty good doesn’t it.
The other brilliant thing is that hypnobirthing is for everyone - no matter what your birth plans are, or any changes to those plans you may experience along the way. And it’s also SO good for your baby, a calm and relaxed birth is a hugely beneficial start to life - we’ll learn why.
And while it’s true that birth can be unpredictable, knowledge is power and with hypnobirthing tools on your side, you are giving yourself the best possible chance of positivity in birth, no matter how or where you choose to do it. If that’s sounds good to you, let’s get you started!